A number of Broadcasters are sitting on a huge pile of valuable media lying on legacy Tapes. The need to digitize them has been growing stronger over the years. We have reached a point where further delays in Digitization could punch a huge hole in your pocket.
Observing industry trends one thing is clear – in the past couple of years the cost of digitization is increasing exponentially. This could be due to the following reasons
- Discontinuation of VTR manufacturing by major vendors.(Source). With this we have to rely upon used VTR’s, they will be difficult to find as days progress.
- Since most of the Broadcast Environments are now File based, the Manpower expertise to hande legacy tapes is fast diminishing and becoming an rare expertise.
- As tapes are getting old the chances of data corruption are higher, this in turn will need restoration which will be an additional burden. Restoration is a manpower intensive hence a costly affair.
The RIGHT TIME to digitize media is right NOW